Our Mission...
The Vision of Trillium Montessori at Cumming is to provide a developmentally oriented curriculum based on the Montessori philosophy that: fosters a nourishing environment within which children will feel safe, cherished, and empowered; nurtures the development of each child to his or her fullest potential – intellectually, physically, socially, and emotionally.
Our Mission...
The Vision of Trillium Montessori at Cumming is to provide a developmentally oriented curriculum based on the Montessori philosophy that: fosters a nourishing environment within which children will feel safe, cherished, and empowered; nurtures the development of each child to his or her fullest potential – intellectually, physically, socially, and emotionally.
Our Mission...
The Vision of Trillium Montessori at Cumming is to provide a developmentally oriented curriculum based on the Montessori philosophy that: fosters a nourishing environment within which children will feel safe, cherished, and empowered; nurtures the development of each child to his or her fullest potential – intellectually, physically, socially, and emotionally.
Covid-19 Saftey Guidelines
The Trillium Montessori At Cumming will be OPEN for all students for in-person learning for the 2021-22 school year. The following protocols have been implemented in our school for the upcoming school year:
Medical screening for every student and parent each morning. The screening includes:
Screenings will take place of staff and child/parent at the Health Check Station. Anyone showing signs of illness will not be permitted to enter. This includes a temperature of 100.4 or higher.
Digital Daily Screening form to speed up the carpool lines.
Tape marking the ground to indicate 6 feet distancing between the students in the classrooms.
Hand washing is a presupposition lesson that will now be introduced with each lesson as the initial starting point
Complete sanitization of materials after each use and complete sanitizing at the end of each day.
All students will have individualized work mats and materials. These materials include:
Pencil Case
Glue sticks, pencils, markers, crayons, etc.
Only students and teachers are allowed in the building
New HVAC Bi-Polar Ionization System that neutralizes bacteria, mold, allergens, and viruses including COVID from the air.
Impact of other Positive COVID-19 results in a household – Any sibling of a student (or any other member of the household) that tested positive for COVID-19 will also need to quarantine. The quarantine period will last until the symptomatic individual receives a negative test result for a period of 14 days AFTER the 10-day isolation period is over, which is a total of 24 days. For more information on the quarantine process click on the link.
If your child becomes sick during the day, they will be brought to space away from all other children, and parents will be expected to pick up their child as soon as possible.
When to Stay Home – The guidelines require anyone to stay home if they have symptoms and do not have an alternate diagnosis. They will be required to stay home for 10-days AND be fever-free for 72 hours without fever-reducing medication and a doctor’s note clearing them to return to school. Click here for the link to review the symptoms COVID-19.
School Closing Guidelines:
Any parent, student, or staff member who tests positive for COVID-19 must notify the school immediately, consult their physician, and begin a 14-day quarantine period. The parent, student, or staff member cannot return to the school until they complete the 14-day quarantine and/or they present a negative test result and a doctor’s note clearing them to return to school.
Any classroom that is mandated to close will transfer to our distance learning program with their regular teachers to help minimize disruption.
Protocols for Inside the Building:
Face coverings will be required for staff and children ages 3 and above. In accordance with these guidelines, children over age 3 should wear their face coverings at all times with the following exceptions:
While having a snack or eating a meal
While outside (playground) if they are social distancing
During nap time
When needed for a break or rest from wearing a face covering. The child will step out of the classroom with the staff for few minutes to breathe fresh air.
Handwashing will be required of all staff members before entering a classroom.
Social Distancing Strategies:
Classes will include the same group each day, and the same teachers will remain with the same group each day. Staff and children will only use their assigned room for the day.
Class sizes will be adjusted to guidelines given to us by the CDC, state and local authorities.
No visitors will be allowed in the building.
Playground times will be staggered and allow for disinfection before another class may enter the playground.
Gloves will be worn while handling food, changing diapers or during any contact with a bodily fluid.
Handwashing will be required after working with a child and before working with the next child
Cleaning and Sanitizing Procedures:
Routinely clean, disinfect, and sanitize. Each school has a schedule for cleaning and disinfecting all common areas and classrooms throughout the day.
Sanitizing machine schedules are followed for all classrooms.
Children’s bedding and nap mats are stored in individual bags and laid out 6 ft. apart.
Specialized Disinfectant Solution & Electrostatic Technology: Each school has been equipped with a high-powered Electrostatic Sprayer in combination with a specialized EPA disinfectant solution. These will be used daily to clean the playgrounds, classrooms, and hallways when the children are not present. The solution contains no harmful chemicals and has proven effectiveness against viruses and bacteria. The sprayer technology creates an electrostatic force field so powerful that it coats hidden and hard to reach surfaces 360 degrees, killing 99.9% of viruses in 4 minutes or less. This powerful and effective duo provides a more efficient and thorough way to disinfect and sanitize our schools.